Sooo many films I've watched recently and shamefully I haven't reviewed any.
Just going to do some 'quickies' here so y'all can keep up =)
The Avengers/Avengers Assemble
I think the fact I saw it 3 times speaks for itself. Unbelievable CGI, great action sequences and c'mon, it's the freakin' Avengers on the big screen! What's not to love? Joss Whedon did the impossible and actually balanced it out in terms of characters, it wasn't the Iron Man show like everyone expected. And the two non-powered Avengers didn't entirely suck either. Genuinely great gags throughout helped balance it. Was a bit slow for the first half and didn't really come together until the arguments started on the Helicarrier, though. Watch it in 2D though if you want to see the darker scenes.
+ Hulk. 'Nuff said.
- 3D was too dark.
Overall 9.1/10
Men in Black 3
Bit of a dark horse, this one. I think the main thing to take away from this is that Josh Brolin IS a young Tommy Lee Jones. One of the best accents I have ever heard (take note Snow White, we're coming to you soon.) Nice and tight story, good and non confusing use of time travel and a bit of mild racism sprinkled on top (which I have no idea how it got past the censors). Will Smith's funny as ever, CGI's a bit questionable but who cares, great fun. Oh and it's nice and bright and that's always a plus. Helped the 3D too. Didn't take itself seriously at all (personified in Will Smith) but had deeper themes of death and sacrifices, etc. which clashed a bit.
+ Feel good, bright and good use of 3D. Brolin's accent.
- CGI could have been better, villain was a bit ropey.
Overall 8.2/10
Prometheus *SPOILERS*
I think I've seen Alien, but years ago and I barely remember it, so I went into Prometheus looking for a good film, not a good Alien film. It promised so much, with the questions of 'where did we come from?' and 'why were we created?' but it didn't really deliver and I just felt overall a bit underwhelmed. It didn't really answer anything but more just left itself open for a sequel which is going to ask the same questions. Wasn't fussed on the characters either, they weren't very interesting or relatable. Killing them all off didn't overly bother me. Oh and Charlize Theron's character was a bit brainless at the end, she could easily have avoided being crushed by running to the side, rather than trying to outrun a 400 ft falling spaceship. The only character I did like was David, the robot, played brilliantly by Michael Fassbender. His hidden motives, questionable loyalties and developing character was great. Couldn't get to grips with the alien species themselves. The humanoids were very unimaginative. And how were the few cave drawings interpreted as an invitation? And it wasn't explained too well for a non- Alien fan how a facehugger can impregnate a humanoid and give birth to a totally different alien.
+ Michael Fassbender. Brilliant locations. Interesting themes.
- Boring aliens. Unlikable characters. Plot holes/unexplained.
Overall 6.5/10
Snow White and theBoredom Huntsman
When you're so bored that you actually start getting uncomfortable in a seat that you happily sit in 3 times a week, it's not a good sign. Deary me, what happened? Was the script simply, 'generic fight scene', 'generic horse fight sequence', 'close up on Kristen Stewart's constipated expression' 'repeat.' And was there meant to be a love story? Did I miss that? Snow kisses William, but Thor is able to wake her up from death with a kiss. Even though she barely interacts with them throughout and they have less chemistry than my GCSE results sheet. And I think we have a nomination for worst casting in a movie ever. Snow White is meant to be the embodiment of life or something and yet they have Kristin Stewart who couldn't crack a smile if she tried and manages three expressions in this film. 1. The confused and concentrating look. 2. The miserable and uncomfortable 'smile'. 3. The confused and concentrating look.... Oh and then we have Thor with a Scottish/American/Australian accent. Seriously, look he can't do a Scottish accent so don't force him and definitely don't give him a bloody narration at the start! If you want a Scottish strongman, BOOM Gerrard Butler. Sorted. I could go on but I'll stop there before I begin weeping for my wasted money/15 hours of my life or whatever the runtime was.
+ The trailer looked brilliant.
- Sheer boredom on screen. Awful acting/casting.
Overall 3/10
Just going to do some 'quickies' here so y'all can keep up =)
The Avengers/Avengers Assemble
I think the fact I saw it 3 times speaks for itself. Unbelievable CGI, great action sequences and c'mon, it's the freakin' Avengers on the big screen! What's not to love? Joss Whedon did the impossible and actually balanced it out in terms of characters, it wasn't the Iron Man show like everyone expected. And the two non-powered Avengers didn't entirely suck either. Genuinely great gags throughout helped balance it. Was a bit slow for the first half and didn't really come together until the arguments started on the Helicarrier, though. Watch it in 2D though if you want to see the darker scenes.
+ Hulk. 'Nuff said.
- 3D was too dark.
Overall 9.1/10
Men in Black 3
Bit of a dark horse, this one. I think the main thing to take away from this is that Josh Brolin IS a young Tommy Lee Jones. One of the best accents I have ever heard (take note Snow White, we're coming to you soon.) Nice and tight story, good and non confusing use of time travel and a bit of mild racism sprinkled on top (which I have no idea how it got past the censors). Will Smith's funny as ever, CGI's a bit questionable but who cares, great fun. Oh and it's nice and bright and that's always a plus. Helped the 3D too. Didn't take itself seriously at all (personified in Will Smith) but had deeper themes of death and sacrifices, etc. which clashed a bit.
+ Feel good, bright and good use of 3D. Brolin's accent.
- CGI could have been better, villain was a bit ropey.
Overall 8.2/10
Prometheus *SPOILERS*
I think I've seen Alien, but years ago and I barely remember it, so I went into Prometheus looking for a good film, not a good Alien film. It promised so much, with the questions of 'where did we come from?' and 'why were we created?' but it didn't really deliver and I just felt overall a bit underwhelmed. It didn't really answer anything but more just left itself open for a sequel which is going to ask the same questions. Wasn't fussed on the characters either, they weren't very interesting or relatable. Killing them all off didn't overly bother me. Oh and Charlize Theron's character was a bit brainless at the end, she could easily have avoided being crushed by running to the side, rather than trying to outrun a 400 ft falling spaceship. The only character I did like was David, the robot, played brilliantly by Michael Fassbender. His hidden motives, questionable loyalties and developing character was great. Couldn't get to grips with the alien species themselves. The humanoids were very unimaginative. And how were the few cave drawings interpreted as an invitation? And it wasn't explained too well for a non- Alien fan how a facehugger can impregnate a humanoid and give birth to a totally different alien.
+ Michael Fassbender. Brilliant locations. Interesting themes.
- Boring aliens. Unlikable characters. Plot holes/unexplained.
Overall 6.5/10
Snow White and the
When you're so bored that you actually start getting uncomfortable in a seat that you happily sit in 3 times a week, it's not a good sign. Deary me, what happened? Was the script simply, 'generic fight scene', 'generic horse fight sequence', 'close up on Kristen Stewart's constipated expression' 'repeat.' And was there meant to be a love story? Did I miss that? Snow kisses William, but Thor is able to wake her up from death with a kiss. Even though she barely interacts with them throughout and they have less chemistry than my GCSE results sheet. And I think we have a nomination for worst casting in a movie ever. Snow White is meant to be the embodiment of life or something and yet they have Kristin Stewart who couldn't crack a smile if she tried and manages three expressions in this film. 1. The confused and concentrating look. 2. The miserable and uncomfortable 'smile'. 3. The confused and concentrating look.... Oh and then we have Thor with a Scottish/American/Australian accent. Seriously, look he can't do a Scottish accent so don't force him and definitely don't give him a bloody narration at the start! If you want a Scottish strongman, BOOM Gerrard Butler. Sorted. I could go on but I'll stop there before I begin weeping for my wasted money/15 hours of my life or whatever the runtime was.
+ The trailer looked brilliant.
- Sheer boredom on screen. Awful acting/casting.
Overall 3/10
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