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Showing posts from July, 2011

2011 10 word movie opinions and post yours!

So yeah I used to do full on reviews of movies I'd seen before I started this blog, but I'm going to attempt to sum them up in 10 words here.... Transformers: Dark of the Moon Explosions, Rosie > Megan, repeated Linkin Park, nice NASA stuff,   disappointing. Fast (and Furious) Five Nice plot, action, really enjoyable except The Rock's gay beard. Green Lantern Crap CGI, crap plot, neither funny nor epic, as expected. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Too much Johnny Depp, so so ending, way too long. X Men First Class Summer shock, great cast, sweet Wolverine cameo, best X men. Thor Typical Iron Man clone, some great humour and nice action. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two At times epic, but anti climactic, Ron still can't act Captain America: The First Avenger Weak villain, CGI on skinny Steve's incredible, pretty great overall Post your own 10 word reviews! Just comment below! And if there's anything in parti...

Harry Potter- and the Last Movie of Their Careers *Spoilers*

So I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, but before I even went to the cinema I had made 2 grave mistakes 1. I had read the books, notoriously ever Harry Potter movie has fell waaaay short of the book 2. I let myself get carried away with how awesome the trailer looked. I had such a huge expectation for it that it had a lot to live up to if I was to walk away satisified. Yeh, we're not really taking you seriously anymore, Vold My result, not as much of a let down as Transformers 3, but I still walked out of it feeling short changed. And everyones been complaining at me, saying it was the best/ most emotional film ever, so I'll explain why it was good, (easily the best Potter) but why didn't live up to the hype for me. It ticked most of the boxes up until the end *Good action scenes, *Emma Watson, *Sweet sequence with no dialogue during the final battle where they're running through Hogwarts and there's big monster things everywh...

A Little Bit About Me....

Well this is the dreaded first post, eh? Let's see if we can manage it.... I'm Scott Newton, 19 years old as I'm writing this, from Belfast, Northern Ireland. I'm currently a Film Studies student at Queen's University, Part Time Music teacher (piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar and drums), Aspiring artist, hopefully aiming to go into comic books, storyboards, concept art, anything except McDonalds, I'm also in a band, And I like to make short movies in my spare time... Sooo on my blog you can (hopefully) expect to see..... *My movies (or at least links to them on Youtube) *My artwork (mainly going to be 30 min sketches) *My webcomics (if I ever get round to starting them) *My band's music and cover songs (if we ever get round to recording them) *My movie reviews/rants *Other random things So please drop a comment, or just do whatever you're meant to do on blogs, and it will make me feel loved and sleep better at night =P