So yeah I used to do full on reviews of movies I'd seen before I started this blog, but I'm going to attempt to sum them up in 10 words here.... Transformers: Dark of the Moon Explosions, Rosie > Megan, repeated Linkin Park, nice NASA stuff, disappointing. Fast (and Furious) Five Nice plot, action, really enjoyable except The Rock's gay beard. Green Lantern Crap CGI, crap plot, neither funny nor epic, as expected. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Too much Johnny Depp, so so ending, way too long. X Men First Class Summer shock, great cast, sweet Wolverine cameo, best X men. Thor Typical Iron Man clone, some great humour and nice action. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two At times epic, but anti climactic, Ron still can't act Captain America: The First Avenger Weak villain, CGI on skinny Steve's incredible, pretty great overall Post your own 10 word reviews! Just comment below! And if there's anything in parti...
A dumping ground for all my artwork, videos and music, if I can figure out how to work it =D